Where is the last public place you visited with Wi-Fi?
Nowadays, almost all coffee shops, libraries, airports, and hotels offer access to the Internet via your mobile phone or other mobile device. That means the information you have on your phone can be accessed from local providers - unless you take steps to protect your data. Here are a few suggestions from the University of Michigan:
1) Do not access personal or financial data via public Wi-Fi.
This may seem absurd, but you may be surprised at how many people check their bank accounts or pay with a credit card while using public Wi-Fi. It is best to do those things over a secure connection.
2) Close anything you do not need.
Cybercriminals can use certain features on your phone to access your information, location or connection. So, instead of keeping your GPS, wireless communication and geo-tracking turned on all the time, just turn it on when you need it.
3) Choose your apps wisely.
4) Use password, lock code or encryption.
5) Be keptical about links and attachments.
if you have any doubts...please let me know..